อองซานซูจี (Aung San Suu Kyi)

by ไฟเย็น Faiyen
released October 20, 2017
Lyrics by Jom, Sahai Saengdao
Melody by Jom
Arranged by Khoontong, Jom

Please buy the song at Bandcamp to help the band Faiyen, who are also refugees in a country bordering Thailand.

Note: The Rohyingya have been called “The Most Persecuted People on Earth” and it look as they are experiencing genocide. The Rohingya of Myanmar (Burma) are stateless, that is without citizenship in their own country, even the fact that many were born in Burma and with ancestors there going back to the 1800s. They happen to be Muslim in a predominantly Buddhist country and have been marginalized to the point that they have no rights even within their own country, and often live in camps within the country and are not allowed to travel or work outside of the camps. On August 25, a militant group of Rohingya attacked police posts and Myanmar troops responded by clearing and burning Rohingya villages, driving more than 400,000 Rohingya (predominately women and children) into neighboring Bangladesh, which was itself already suffering from catastrophic flooding. People had hoped that when Nobel Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi came to power in she would begin to help the Rohingya and prevent what seems to be a brewing Holocaust, but shockingly she also seems to question or downplay the volumous reports of atrocities suffered by the Rohingya. And she won’t even call them “Rohingya,” which is the name they use for themselves. This is happening next door to Thailand, so the Thai band Faiyen, has written a song to raise awareness. Please send money to a charity of your choice to helping the Rohingya refugees.

THIS SONG IS IN ENGLISH, so no translation is necessary, but here are the words:

* Aung San Suu Kyi, does she believe in human rights?
Aung San Suu Kyi, who gets the Nobel Peace Prize.
Aung San Suu Kyi, who gets the Nobel Peace Prize.
Aung San Suu Kyi, does she believe in human rights?
Does she believe in human rights?

You and I, we are all human.
Rohingya, they are human too.
Refugee, we’re still human.
You and me, we stand for humanity.


Please ask her why Rohingya children
and women had fallen by Peace Prize Government?


Tear drops in my eyes when having ethnic cleansing.
Tear drops in my eyes when she said there is Nothing.
Under the same sky we have the same human rights.
Please save life! Rohingya from genocide in Myanmar. (*)