แสงดาวแห่งศรัทธา Starlight of Faith [Rhyming English version]

Translation by Ann Norman of song by Jit Phumisak (often spelled Chit Phumisak)

Note: “Seang Dao Heng Sata” (แสงดาวแห่งศรัทธา) which translates “Starlight of Faith” or “Starlight of Confidence” is the most heavily used song in the Thai prodemocracy movement, according to my observations. It has been in continuous use since the 1970s, and roughly compares to the American “We Shall Overcome” in its message and historical significance. I only recently translated it into singable English during the drama in Thai Parliament voting on Pita Limjaroenrat’s nomination for Prime Minister. I make my translation freely available to the movement, but hopefully I would be credited.

I jeer at the thorns that stab and prick the poor
Masses sure stand defiantly
When gloomy skies blot the moon so we don’t see
Sparkling stars mock it all from afar

Sparkling light of a sterling little star
Shining far from light years apart
Like a lamp sending rainbows to the heart
A victory flag starts leading the way

A storm from on high rumbles threatening doom
The land is all gloom, the moon hides away
Stars of faith still shine on above
Stirring hearts of people always

I jeer at the thorns that stab and prick the poor
Masses sure stand defiantly
When gloomy skies blot the moon so we don’t see
Stars of faith are still shining on
Stars sparkle on until the blue dawn

*The order of the verses above follows the version by Faiyen band. I believe the original version begins with the second verse shown here.